All about PAP 20
PAP 20 is a recycling logo indicating that packaging is manufactured using corrugated cardboard.
The use of PAP symbols is a requirement of the EU Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC.
Explore our range of sustainability manufactured cardboard packaging types here.
Other PAP codes apply to different paper-based products, including PAP 21 (non-corrugated fibreboard) and PAP 22 (regular paper).
Whilst the legislation indicates that using the PAP identification system is voluntary, two EU members, Italy and Bulgaria, have made the coding mandatory.
Reducing the environmental impact of packaging – and the waste it generates remains an important goal for the European Union. This legislation applies to all types of packaging and aims to encourage manufacturers and distributors of packaging to use recyclable materials. The legislation defines packaging as any item that protects and handles goods during delivery and presentation. It also incorporates secondary packaging, plus transport and storage containers used within the supply chain.
This legislation ultimately means that if you are supplying products to these countries, your packaging must comply with the requirements and display the applicable markings.
(Information is correct as of December 2023).
For more information see our Sustainability Matters Guide.